Yes, it's an absolute flurry of posts this weekend. People everywhere are wetting themselves with excitement. "Will he post again?!? I can't stand it! Oh my God- he's posted something else! Somebody call Reuters!"
I have to admit, I really like this one. It's based on the variant cover of Vlad that I did for the first issue (you know- the one I accidently did for free. Yes, it still burns). What I particularly liked about it, apart from the simplicity, was that it didn't take me very long- which ultimately leaves me with more time on my hands to tell the story. Not that I have anything like time on my hands, of course.
I've tried to go for a simple, understated pic for all of the covers so far, but I've been talked into pushing the boat out for #6. I've got a couple of great ideas in mind that will be a bit of a departure from the covers seen so far.
I hope I haven't bigged myself up too much now...

Happy Easter, by the way. I've been on my own all week, so had to buy my own Easter Egg, which I will be scoffing down shortly. I'm also praying that the good Lord allows my local pizza place to open today as I'm bloody starving, but can't face cooking for myself again. That and the fact that I've yet to wash up any of the pots I've been using and there's nothing left to cook with.
Mrs T will be back sometime tomorrow, but I don't think I can wait that long. My only other option is McDonalds- but do I really want to do that to myself? One 'meal' is never enough and the temptation to buy two is almost overwhelming when you're on your own- but these things never end well. I owe it to my bowels to either cook something or get a pizza.
Please let the pizza place be open...