I finally finished this, between pages, a couple of weeks ago- but I've been too busy for blogging. Or sleeping. Or washing, if it comes to that...

I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out, but I almost wish I'd done something a bit cheerier now. Oh well!
these last 2 pix are astoundingly lush mate! batman's been done and done but you managed to bang out something very original and punchy there. the rom pic's darkness really pushes out them lovely light blobs too - sweet shizz!
Cheers, geezer! Much appreciated!
Blooody great this. And bearing in mind Mantlo's condition, very resonant.
Hi Matt, i left a comment for you on that Bill Mantlo ROM gallery blog. hit me up at: http://www.romspaceknightart.blogspot.com/
you can see some of my ROM related art plus you'll get a good laugh at my latest posting. your not gonna believe the latest shit i found.
Still so amazing!
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