Thursday, 24 June 2010

Darkness #88 cover

I really am the world's worst blogger.  If you're following me on Twitter, then you probably saw this last week.  If not, here it is now.  And you should follow me on Twitter.

It's slightly different to the version that's being used for previews at the moment in that it's more awesome.  Fact.

Lots to do today.  LOTS.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

54 Jones

Not a very productive work day today, but I did manage to doodle this- which I really like.

I still have fond feelings for 54 Jones and he's a character I'm hoping to revisit (with writer, Paul Scott) at some point. Basically, I've tried to make him a little more interesting to look at, as I think he was a bit too good-looking before.

Friday, 4 June 2010

In an alternate universe, I draw cartoons...

It's true.  Once a month, I change places with my doppleganger and he draws a bike themed cartoon for Cycling Plus magazine.  I don't usually post them because I assume that people are more interested in my comic work- but I quite like some of them:

As it goes, I might be switching places with my doppelganger on a permanent basis pretty soon.  If so, he will be drawing cartoons, while I will occasionally pop back and draw comic covers, rather than sequentials.  I hear his universe is pretty funky, actually.  Elvis is alive and well, nobody has ever heard of Simon Cowell and personal rocket belts were invented quite some time ago.

Unfortunately, skinny jeans are also in fashion over there as well- but you can't have everything.

More cartoons here.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Darkness #88 cover (partial)

This is as much as I'm allowed to show for the next couple of weeks- and I'll probably have gone off it by then...

It's a lovely day.  I've got a few calls to make, some odds and ends to finish off and wheels to set in motion- and then I'm going to skive- yes, SKIVE.  In the sun.  Possibly with a beer or two.  Eat that, 9-5ers!
